A Positive Message
If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will -
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
I was recently thrown into a new and amazing journey. What I thought would be a company to help me manage my social media accounts turned into an incredible relationship with a business coach who saw my need for a mindset shift and recommended a course to start the journey of my life. This journey quickly changed me for the better, I am so much happier and driven to achieve things in my life that have been long lagging and stagnant.
Now I want to share a few things that might help us all through these trying times. Before beginning this journey, everything about the COVID-19 situation made me crazy. I was anxious, stressed out and angry. As with many, I found myself CONSTANTLY on Facebook POUNDING my insecurities and uncertainties onto others. The whole world seemed to have gone completely insane, and I felt powerless. Sound familiar?
The other day I came across a quote that said, "When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening. That's where your power is!" This is the EXACT truth that I have found in my travels through mindset work. We ARE our very thoughts. And our thoughts are LITERALLY expelling energy into the universe for all to see, feel and expirience. We see this truth when we look at the technology of a Magnetoencephalography or an MEG scan. Unlike the EEG scan, the MEG scan does not physically attach itself to your head, and yet can STILL detect brain waves similar to an EEG. So basically, your thoughts are a force of energy, hovering all around you. The good news is that YOU get to decide....will these thoughts energize yourself and others in a positive, or a negative way. I've chosen to be positive, and I've chosen to spread that positivity out into the world. We get what we give, and I don't want all that negative energy from myself and others. I am getting my power back, by choosing my own thoughts, actions and reactions. And you can do the same.
Another thing I have learned is to be open. Someone doesn't share the same opinion as you?? ITS OK! Listen to them, hear them out. PEOPLE WANT TO BE HEARD. You don't have to agree, you can move on in your life and never ever have to change anything about your opinion. Or on the other side of the spectrum, if someone is constantly coming at you, being offensive or trying to get a rise out of you...its OK to remove that person and their negative energy from your life. YOU choose who you allow to affect or not affect you. Removing someone who does not want good things for you, or who will not allow you to be at peace is ok. Of course we wish everyone could find their way to peace in their lives, but it is not your job to "fix" them, and neither can you if they don't want the help.
Last but not least, get off Facebook. Be intentional in your everyday life. Go outside, play a boardgame with your kids, drink coffee and chat with your spouse. JUST DO YOU! Stop allowing all the poisonous negativity into your brain. Social media started to seriously steal my joy. I could be in a fantastic mood, and having a wonderful day, and then I'd log in, and Facebook would just CRUSH my spirit. All the ugly is there, all the accountability that we have in our real life conversations has been taken away. No one has to look you in the face, or be accountable for their words. And it can make for some very ugly encounters. Ask yourself, would you put your kids into that situation? Why would you do it to yourself? Use your time instead to be intentional with your actions each day. Stop scrolling and start LIVING!
Choose your words carefully my friends. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't day it behind your keyboard. Everyone is struggling, but there is still good. There is still joy, and there is still magic in this world. CHOOSE to see it.
Holly <3