"Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully." ~ Kristen Butler
It's not a coincidence that so many of the outdoor photo sessions you see and love are happening at sunset. And it's not only done at that time of day because of just how beautiful a sunset can be. Although, that is absolutely the icing on the cake.
I have been answering alot of inquiries recently (it is that time of year) about family photo sessions. And so many families with small children are quite off-put when I mention that these sessions generally start between 7:00 - 8:00 in the evening depending on time of year. It's not ideal when children are going to bed at the same time of day. I completely understand the concern, so I thought I'd address it in a blog.
Photography is the capture of light. We are making art by capturing the light that bounces through our lenses, reflects off the mirror (or not....now that mirrorless cameras are a thing....but that's a whole other conversation), and hits the sensor or band of film which copies what it is shown. Light is what our eyes see also in a very similar way. But not all light is created equal. As you will see in a sunrise/sunset. It is just so much more beautiful that the sun at mid-day. Don't get me wrong, I am all about a beautiful sunny day....but not so much the brilliant, reflective, harsh light that it brings to my eye or my camera for that matter.
As a photographer, I want to capture you and your family in the most flattering way possible. I want you to look beautiful, feel beautiful and love your photos. One way that I can guarantee success is by capturing your moments with the perfect light. Soft, even light that accentuates everything that is beautiful in the world. Soft light that comes across the scene in a revealing way and that avoids harsh shadows under your eyes, chin and reflective light off your cheekbones and shoulders. This is the light that happens when the sun is low in the sky and casting LONG, open shadows that we can stand in. This light produces the most beautiful photos, as well as the most incredible skies.
So here are my suggestions to anyone concerned about those late nights with little children:
Try to book your session in spring/fall when the sun is setting a little earlier. The downside is that often spring drags on, and there is no guarantee that we'll have anything greened up by then. Or that it can be later in the fall before we can shoot around 6:00, and we risk having no pretty leafs left behind. However, we can still capture moments, and beautiful photos at these times of year.
Keep your littles up later than usual, and let them nap later in the day. Often after a long "late" nap, these little sweethearts are ready to perform. It can also be handy to start a day or two in advance of your session and have a late nap for a few days to ensure this will be helpful. Don't worry, you can go back to normal afterwards.
Extend your drive time to the session, especially if your kids like to sleep in the car. Often they'll fall asleep on the way and wake up fresh and ready to party.
Bring along a favourite book/toy that will look sweet and timeless in their photos. Also pack a favourite snack, blanket etc. If all else fails, a sweet set on a picnic blanket with mommy or daddy reading a bedtime story can be classic. Snacks can be hidden out of site and a snuggle/tickle or game can be played to keep your children happy long enough to capture some sweet images for your walls.
At Gray & Arbor we also offer indoor session options that can happen any time of day. Sometimes its the best way to get you children photographed during their "happy times", and I promise the images are just as amazing on our unique studio sets. Limited wardrobe is also available.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have in regards to updating your family photos.